Paletico - Discover the World in Colors

Step into the World of Color #E6D7E6, similar to light muted Thistle*

color HEX #E6D7E6 on

RGB color components (0-255):


CMYK components:


RGB is an additive color model widely used in screens and digital devices. The specific composition of this color includes Red 230, Green 215, Blue 230.

The CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) model is a cornerstone of high-quality printing, blending subtractive colors to produce precise results. This shade includes Cyan 0.00%, Magenta 6.52%, Yellow 0.00%, Black 9.80%.

HSL Values:

HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) offers a more intuitive way to describe colors, breaking them down into hue, which defines the shade, saturation for color intensity, and lightness for brightness. This color is defined by Hue: 300°, Saturation: 23.08%, Lightness: 87.25%.

Tints of #E6D7E6:

The Tints Section displays lighter shades of the primary color on the page (#E6D7E6). Each of these shades is generated by gradually adding white to the base color, creating softer and more subtle variations #E8DBE8 , #EBDFEB , #EDE3ED , #F0E7F0 , #F2EBF2 , #F5EFF5 , #F7F3F7 , #FAF7FA , #FCFBFC , #FFFFFF . This method showcases the full spectrum of the color’s potential, demonstrating how the same hue can be lightened to produce different visual effects, from delicate pastels to brighter yet still vibrant tones . The final color in this section is pure white (#ffffff), representing the ultimate stage of lightening.

Shades of #E6D7E6:

The Shades Section presents darker variations of the primary color on the page (#E6D7E6). Each of these shades is created by gradually adding black to the base color, giving it a deeper and more saturated appearance #CFC1CF , #B8ACB8 , #A196A1 , #8A818A , #736B73 , #5C565C , #454045 , #2E2B2E , #171517 , #000000 . This process shows how the color can be darkened step by step to achieve more intense and dramatic visual effects, from subtle shadows to nearly black tones. The final color in this section is deep black (#000000), representing the ultimate stage of darkening.

Tonal transition by adding gray

Tonal transitions achieved by adding gray create a smooth shift in color intensity. This process gradually decreases saturation, blending colors with increasing levels of gray. The result is a progression from vibrant tones to more neutral and muted shades.

Tonal Range

This tonal range emphasizes gradual transitions, with darker shades introducing depth and lighter ones offering brightness. The central color remains the focal point, while the smooth progression of tones creates a balanced and versatile palette for various applications.

Above, you’ll find the standard tonal variations. Below, however, we’ve taken a more experimental approach. By tweaking the lightness and saturation, we’ve created palettes inspired by the preferences of the typical woman, man, and child—at least according to statistical trends. Of course, this is all in good fun, so we encourage you to take these color choices with a grain of salt.

Palette for Women

We've allowed ourselves to conduct a small experiment with this palette by adjusting brightness and saturation to reflect the preferences of a statistically typical woman. The result is a set of softer, more pastel-like colors that we hope will appeal to you. But remember, this is just an experiment, so take it with a pinch of salt!

Palette for Men

This palette is the result of a little experiment where we've adjusted the brightness and saturation to match what might be preferred by the average man. The outcome? A selection of cooler, more muted shades that we think will resonate. But of course, it's all in good fun—feel free to take it with a grain of salt!

Palette for Children

For this palette, we’ve taken a fun approach by adjusting brightness and saturation to reflect what might be most appealing to children. The result? Bright, bold, and energetic colors that aim to capture a child’s vibrant world.

Similar colors to #E6D7E6:

The Similar Colors Section features a set of colors that are closely related to the main color on the page (#E6D7E6). These colors have been generated based on similarities in hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL). Each color shares visual properties with the primary one, creating a harmonious palette. The variations in these colors are subtle, differing slightly in tone, saturation, or lightness, making them well-suited for complementary design use while maintaining visual coherence. The generation process relies on minor differences from the main color, ensuring consistent and appealing color compositions.

Complementary colors to #E6D7E6:

Complementary colors are those that lie directly opposite each other on the color wheel. In our application, the complementary color for the main color is calculated based on its HSL values. Complementary colors create strong contrast, making them ideal for bold and dynamic compositions.

Transition to complementary color

This feature creates a smooth transition from a primary color to a complementary color - it interpolates between two colors by gradually adjusting the red, green, and blue components in small steps. Each step creates a color that gradually moves from its original hue to its complement, creating a gradient effect. The end result is a smooth visual journey between two opposing hues on the color wheel.

Colors analogous to #E6D7E6:

Analogous colors are those that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. They are chosen based on similarities in hue, creating a harmonious and cohesive visual effect. Analogous colors are often used in subtle and calm designs, as they complement each other well without creating strong contrasts.

Triadic colors to #E6D7E6:

Triadic colors consist of three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel. In our application, these colors are generated at equal intervals, creating vibrant and balanced color combinations. Triadic palettes are ideal for designs that require a variety of colors while maintaining harmony.

Tetradic colors to #E6D7E6:

Tetradic colors form a rectangle on the color wheel, consisting of two complementary color pairs. Tetradic palettes offer a lot of variety and are great for complex compositions where rich and balanced color contrasts are needed.

Tetradic Color Scheme Rectangular (90 degrees):

In this tetradic color scheme, the four colors are evenly spaced on the color wheel, forming a rectangle. The first color is the main hue you selected, and the three other colors are located at 90-degree intervals from each other. This color scheme creates a rich and balanced palette by combining contrasting hues, offering vibrant and harmonious designs. The contrast between the colors adds variety and depth to any design, making it visually appealing.

Tetradic Color Scheme Double Complementary (60 degrees):

The double complementary tetradic color scheme uses two complementary color pairs, spaced 60 degrees apart on the color wheel. This arrangement allows for greater variety and complexity in color choices, offering a more nuanced and dynamic palette. The colors work well together to create an energetic and balanced composition, with complementary pairs reinforcing the contrast between warm and cool tones.

* The color names used on this page are generated based on commonly available naming conventions found on the Internet, such as color naming standards from various sources. These names are generic and may vary depending on context or usage.

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